The other day on a night out I saw a girl in my age in about that weight range (I guess 350ish, but she certainly wasn't thin) and we had a little chat. I first "discovered" her on the way to the loo when she wasn't exactly smiling so I did a clown's "Smile!" face and she did so
On my way back she had stopped smiling again and I made the same thing and she restarted
Her friend looked at me like I was some evil person but we ended up chatting nevertheless. She was brutally honest and told me that it usually never happens that someone approaches her in a club or anywhere for that matter and she wondered (with quite some resignation) why I did it. I told her that I preferred women of her size and she asked me why I would do that..It was a bit unfortunate, it turned out she really just was too self-critical..I told her she shouldn't be because she was a pretty girl (and not only because of her body but she had the most stunning face, especially for a girl her size) but our little chat had somewhat reached its end. I tried to squeeze some self-esteem out of her but failed. I ended up telling her again that she should treat herself with more respect. It was the first time I was in that kind of situation so I might not have made the best decisions in what I told her. I just hope I haven't made it worse
The world needs self-confidence that doesn't depend on size!